Saturday, September 11, 2010

Home Alone

Wes is in Ohio celebrating his grandparent's 60th wedding anniversary and I'm stuck in Lakewood. Alone. Boo!
Here I thought I was going to get to hang out with my mom but she decided to hang out in Denver after flying my grandparents back. What the heck?! Ashley is camping and my Heather is working. Seriously, I think they all had this plan to abandon me this weekend.
Okay, I'm done throwing a pity party.
I've been perusing wedding websites most of the morning trying to find some sort of new inspiration and trying to get motivated to finish this planning and get to the gym. Who knew there was so much to think about! So far the only fun part was dress shopping.
Here I thought I wanted to do a ton of DIY projects to save money, but I've seen the light. DIY isn't always the easy route. I'd much rather pay someone to design our invites than make them myself. I just don't have the patience for all that crap. I'm beginning to understand why people elope or have destination weddings. If we had a destination wedding I'm almost positive I'd stress out way more trying to coordinate all the schedules so maybe I can just understand eloping.
Please feel free to share any wedding advice or ideas with us. We love to learn from other people's experiences.

On to the comment about getting to the gym... I want to go because I know I need to go, I just don't want to go through the effort of getting ready and actually working out. Ha ha Sounds weird but it's true. I've fallen off the wagon again. I have a bad habit of doing this when my routine is thrown off by a weekend out of town and enjoying lots of good food and beers. (That was how our Labor Day weekend was spent.) Ugh... I need my gym partner, Wes, to get his rear back home to keep me motivated.

That's all for now. I'm actually going to get some stuff done around the house.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dress Shopping Part 2

Well, I just got home from trying on dresses at The Wedding Bell. It was a great experience! The only bum thing about it is that I now have 2 dresses there I really like along with the 2 dresses at Lady Margaret's. Ahhhh!!! No bueno.

My mom & Ashley really liked a strapless A-line dress that is on the sale rack so I can't order it if it's gone. I'm on the fence about it because I couldn't breathe very well in it. It fit like a glove. Luckily there's about an inch of play so I can have it taken out like 1/4" on both sides if I decide to get it.

The 2nd dress I liked is form fitting with a deep sweetheart neckline and it actually has straps. I didn't think I'd like a dress like that but I love it! It's silk and on the sale rack so I need to make a decision and soon. I have pictures but they don't do the dresses any justice.

I'm think I'm going to have Dr. Heather (Wes's sister) and Andy (Ashley's husband) along for another round to get their opinions. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :)

Until next time...

Dress Shopping

Today I, Candice, spent most of the day shopping for a wedding dress. My mom and sisters (Ashley & Heather) accompanied me on this excursion. Honestly, I was not at all. I get hot when I try on clothes and I had no idea what I was looking for.

Phase 1 took us to Lady Margaret's in Puyallup. I was a little nervous because I've heard they're pretty traditional and you aren't supposed to take pictures. Don't tell but Heather snuck some on my phone. :) They aren't the best but it'll help me remember what I tried on.

Much to my surprise I fell in love with 2 dresses! I still can't decide between the two. They have very similar silhouettes but they're different at the same time. One of them is on sale so they can't hold it for me. Eek! I guess if it's gone my decision will be made for me.

I would love to post pictures on our blog but then Wes would see so sorry ladies. :) Hopefully I'll have pictures from the next stop.

That's all for now as I'm about to head out to The Wedding Bell in Tacoma with Ashley & my mom.

Until next time....

P.S. I apologize in advance for any grammar issues or poor paragraphs. Language arts is not my strong point.

Monday, May 24, 2010

T minus 14 months 5 days

So, the time is quickly coming. It is going to be a stressful process. Planning a wedding is not easy, as most of you who are married know. This will be a means to let you know whats happening with us as we approach the day. Hopefully, it also acts as a venting station for us to blow off some of that stress.

Nothing to say today, just starting this thing.

Love to all

Wes and Candice